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AihkiNjarga is located in the Porkkala peninsula in Kirkkonummi, 45 km from the city center of Helsinki
Close to the Metropolitan Helsinki city center and the international airport, yet totally in the wildnerness. In AihkiNjarga you will see other people only with their boats in the sea. However, there are a lot of wild life around: deers, elks, birds... Porkkala is actually the spot to be to watch arkitka, the mass-migration of arctic birds every spring and autumn.
Distance to
- Helsinki city center - 45 km (40 min)
- Helsinki-Vantaa airport 50 km (60 min)
- the closest grocery store and restaurant
- June-August: 1,9 km Porkkala Marin
- September-May: 20 km in Kirkkonummi center
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